Daniel Mederer

Practice Developer & Responsible nurse | Klinikum Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz | Bavaria | Germany

I was raised by person centred practice and practice development at my hospital due to Doris Eberhardt who worked at the executive department for practice development. Until this day I'm still focussing on how I can put person-centredness in the minds of my co-workers - especially for my role as a future CNS. Even more I want them to "live" person-centredness.

So finally one day I read about Christoph von Dach's translation of the PCPI-S. I thought it would be a lovely part to use it in my master's degree. Because I thought I need to see where my co-workers see themselves in the setting of person-centredness. My aim is to find factors that I need at my hospital that person-centred care can succed and where my role fits in all that as a facilitator.

Another reason why I want to join is because I think that it is important to connect.


Corinne Auer


Deborah Baldie