Susanne Knüppel Lauener

Head of Practice Development Nursing | Universitätsspital Basel

For more than 10 years, the philosophy of Person-Centered Practice has been the leading framework in nursing practice at the University Hospital Basel. Moreover, our hospital has been an active member of the International Practice Development Collaborative since 2012 and thus is contributing actively to develop practice in healthcare services internationally.


The University Hospital Basel has the mission for all the following; health care provision and academic teaching as well as research. Organizational structures and supportive processes for Person-Centered Practice have been established through continuous development over recent years.


In 2017, the position “Head Practice Development Therapies” was created. The Department Therapies includes Physiotherapy, Speech Pathology and Occupational Therapy. The goal for the future is to develop and evaluate person-centered cultures in these clinical fields in collaboration with other healthcare providers.


Stina Mannheimer


Suzanne Murray