Rhoda Moramba

PhD student | Bern University of Applied Science | Switzerland

As a dedicated PhD student in the field of nursing home research, with a particular focus on diversity and person-centred practice, I am eager to join the International Community of Practice (ICoP). My current research endeavours revolve around understanding and enhancing diversity-sensitive practice in relation to person-centred practice within Swiss nursing homes, with a specific emphasis on meeting the diverse needs of nursing home residents.

Through my PhD studies, I am exploring how Person-Centred Practice (PCP) competence, alongside another critical competence, contributes to diversity-sensitive care in nursing homes. By conceptualising these relationships, I aspire to not only deepen our understanding of person-centred approaches but also to inform research, teaching practices, and practical strategies that promote inclusivity and quality of care for nursing home residents.

Joining ICoP presents an invaluable opportunity for me to engage with a global network of professionals who share my passion for advancing person-centred care, with whom I will undoubtedly exchange insights and leverage collective expertise to advance the field.


Rebekkah Middleton


Robin Girle