GPCC Person-centred Care Arena webinar 2

Join us in a celebration of international “What matters to you?” Day at this free webinar showcasing research on participatory approaches in various contexts and settings related to health care.

The first three presentations will cover results and study protocols from projects in GPCC’s new strategic research focus area “Development of partnerships between patient representatives, the general public and healthcare organizations and decision-making systems”. The final presentation will cover public and patient engagement in health research.

More information and registration via this link

Jana Bergholtz, PhD, Patient co-researcher, GPCC, Kiana Kiani, PhD-student, GPCC, Jenny Milton, PhD, Institute of Health and Care Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Elin Siira, PhD,Halmstad University, Sweden and Maria Jose Santana, Associate Professor, University of Calgary, Canada.

Moderators: Annika Lindström, Autism Sweden, and Member of the GPCC Person Council for Patients and Relatives/Carers & John Chaplin, Associate Professor, GPCC.

If you missed our first PCC arena webinar from 11 November, you can now watch a recording of it on YouTube: 

Person-centred Care Arena webinar 1: Person-centred care in Europe - YouTube


Global conference on Person-Centred Care


Person-centred practice International community of practice launch