Famke van Lieshout

My PhD was about the development of an effective (person-centred and evidence based) workplace culture through participatory action research. The focus was on essential conditions of being and becoming a person-centred facilitator of practice development.  

I’m currently a program leader on the development of person-centred learning and work environments within Knowledge centre ‘Person-centredness in the Aging society’ at Fontys university of Applied Sciences, school of People and Health Studies.

Relevant publications -

  1. Lieshout van, F. (2013). Taking Action for Action. A study of the interplay between contextual and facilitator characteristics in developing an effective workplace culture in a Dutch hospital setting, through action research. (PhD), University of Ulster, Belfast, UK.

  2. Lieshout, F. van, Peelo-Kilroe, L. (2021). Methodologies for Person-centred Nursing Research. Chapter 6 in: Person-centred Nursing Research: Methodology, Methods and Outcomes (eds. Dewing, J., McCormack, B., McCance, T.). pp 71-82. Springer.

  3. Caroline A.W. Dickson, Famke van Lieshout, Sergej Kmetec, Brendan McCormack, Kirsti Skovdahl (et al). (2020). Developing philosophical and pedagogical principles for a pan-European person-centred curriculum framework. International Practice Development Journal 10

  4. Lieshout, F. van, Jacobs, G., Cardiff, S. (2021). Actieonderzoek. Principes en Onderzoeksmethoden voor participatief veranderen. Uitgeverij Koninklijke van Gorcum. [Principles and research methods for participatory change/ transformation]

  5. Jacobs, G., Lieshout van, F., Borg, M., Ness, O. (2017). Chapter 5: Being a person-centred researcher: principles and methods for doing research in  a person-centred way.  PERSON-CENTRED HEALTHCARE RESEARCH – ‘THE PERSON IN QUESTION’ . The Person-centred Research Handbook. Edited by:    Brendan McCormack, Tom Eide, Kirsti Skovdal, Hilde Eide, Heidi Kapstad and Sandra van Dulmen.  Wiley Blackwell.


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