Sean Paul Teeling

My research is in the interaction and contribution of process improvement methodologies including  Lean and Six Sigma with Person-centred approaches in healthcare, working from the philosophy of Critical Realism, and using Realist Synthesis and Realist Evaluation methodologies.

Relevant publications -

  1. Teeling, S.P., Keown, A.M., Cunningham, U., Keegan, D. (2023) The application of a person-centred approach to process improvement in ophthalmology services in the North East of the Republic of Ireland. International Practice Development Journal. ,13(1)6

  2. Teeling, S. P., Dewing, J., & Baldie, D. (2022). Developing New Methods for Person-Centred Approaches to Adjudicate Context-Mechanism-Outcome Configurations in Realist Evaluation. International Journal of environmental research and public health, Vol 19. No.4. pp: 2370.

  3. Daly, A., Teeling, S. P., Garvey, S., Ward, M., & McNamara, M. (2022). Using a Combined Lean and Person-Centred Approach to Support the Resumption of Routine Hospital Activity following the First Wave of COVID-19. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(5), 2754.

  4. Teeling, S.P., Dewing, J. and Baldie, D. (2021) A realist inquiry to identify the contribution of Lean Six Sigma to person-centred care and cultures. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Vol. 18. No. 19. Article 10427.

  5. Teeling, S.P., Dewing, J. and Baldie, D. (2020) A discussion of the synergy and divergence between Lean Six Sigma and person-centred improvement sciences. International Journal of Research in Nursing. Vol. 11. No. 4. pp 10-23.


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