Shaun Cardiff

I completed a participatory action research study exploring the meaning of person-centredness for clinical nurse leaders in the role of nurse manager, charge nurse and primary nurse. This resulted in a conceptual framework for person-centred leadership. My research interests have remained focused on person-centredness, leadership, workplace culture and retention.

Relevant publications -

  1. Cardiff, S., McCormack, B., McCance, T. (2018) Person-centred Leadership: a relational approach to leadership derived through action research. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27 (15-16):3056–3069 

  2. Cardiff, S., Sanders, K., Webster, J., & Manley, K. (2020). Guiding lights for effective workplace cultures that are also good places to work. International Practice Development Journal, 10(2)[2].

  3. Dongen, v. L., Cardiff, S., Kluijtmans, M., Schoonhoven, L., Hamers, J., Schuurmans, M., & Hafsteinsdóttir, T. (2021). Developing leadership in postdoctoral nurses: A longitudinal mixed-methods study. Nursing outlook, 00(00), 1-15. doi:

  4. Cardiff, S. (2022) Moreel verpleegkundig leiderschap en persoonsgerichtheid. In: Cingel van der, M. (Eds) Moreel verpleegkundig leiderschap. Boom.

  5. Zijpp van der, T., Cardiff, S., Nieboer, M., Nierse, C., Schepens, S., Nieuwenhoff van den, H., & Keizer, S. (2022) Successful healthcare technology requires person-centred relationships and contexts: case narratives on medication-dispensing systems. International Practice Development Journal.12(2)[8]


Sean Paul Teeling